Saturday, Aug 19, 2023 @ 7:00 AM

Painful Elimination

13001 Recreation Area Dr.

Hudson, IL Last Runner Standing

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 19, 2023

About the Painful!

Run a 4.185 mile loop in under an hour, a14:00 minute/mile pace. Easy right? But here's the catch-(and the fun part)-Everyone starts each loop together on the hour mark. If you complete the course in 45 minutes, you get 15 minutes rest before the next loop. If you complete the loop in 59 minutes, you get 1 minute rest. If you run the loop in 1 hour and one second, you are Painfully Eliminated. Get it? You must be standing in the start box ready to run at the start of each hour. We keep going til only runner is left. The last runner must complete their last loop in regulation in order to win.

Start Time and Packet Pickup

We will have packet pickup Friday, 8/18 from 4-6pm. Race day packet pickup starts at 5:30am. Both pickups will be at the race start parking lot.
Race start is 7:00 AM SHARP !!
Because of the elimination nature of this event, late starts are not allowed! Please keep this in mind and make sure to get to the start area in plenty of time.

Aid Station

This is a Bring Your Own Aid Station event. We will provide water, ice, and a sport drink to be named later, at the Start/Finish area. One aid station will be set up at the halfway point with water only. You are responsible for bringing everything else you need for the day. Call it an ultra-running TRail-gate party!! There will be ample area next to the Start/Finish for runners to set up their own station (tents, canopies, chairs etc) or you can TRail-gate out of your car.

Run for a Reason

Once again, we are proud to be teaming up with Team Blue Line. TBL benefits families of law officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty as well as law officers injured or suffering as a result of their service.
ALL of Shady Hollow Trail Runners members are volunteers! We are a not-for-profit organization and all race proceeds after expenses will be donated to Team Blue Line.


Law Officers - in appreciation for all you do for us, you receive a **50%** discount! Please email David Quinn at BEFORE registering in order to receive the coupon code.

Ethical Trail Usage

Shady Hollow Trail Runners pride ourselves on ethical and responsible trail usage. Since 2010, SHTR members have built and maintained dozens of miles of trail at Comlara Park in addition to helping maintain and improve existing trails. If you would like to help us, please contact us. **Great opportunity for volunteer hours for other events that require this commitment! **

Swag and Awards

All pre-registered entrants will receive an excellent swag. At this time, we have not decided exactly what this will be, but it will be worth it!
All runners who finish at least one loop in under an hour will receive an arrowhead pendant! Runners will also receive a copper tag for each loop completed. The more loops you complete, the more tags you bring home!
Special bronze tags for all runners who complete an ultra distance (8 hours) and 50 mile (12 hours).
LAST RUNNER STANDING will get an original art work from artist and ultra runner Jeff Lung! See examples of Jeff's work at . And yes, the Last Runner Standing will also get our beloved walking stick.


FREE CAMPING is available at a group camping site just a short drive from the start/finish area! This is a primitive campsite - tent camping only; pit toilets and fire ring/barbecue are available. You do not need to reserve or register to camp here; just show up and set up!
If you prefer more amenities, Comlara Park also has a large campground with electric hookup and bathroom-shower facilities. Reservations for this campsite must be made through the park.
Overnight parking and camping is NOT allowed at the Start/FInish area (except overnight during the race).


Great Scenic Course that consists of mowed grass trails, beautiful single track along the lake and around 100 feet of elevation gain. A second, water only aid station will be at mile 2.
We will host several practice runs on the course throughout the summer - watch your email. There are always local runners willing to show you the course, so if you want to familiarize yourself with the trail loop ahead of the event, just post on our Facebook page.


Event's current local time: 6:23 AM CT


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