Sunday, Dec 1, 2024

Charleston Itty Bitty 50

West Ashley Greenway

Mount Pleasant, SC 50 Miler, Moore On 50 Mile Relay, 400 Meters

This Event Took Place Sun. Dec 1, 2024

Charleston Itty Bitty 50

Registration opens February 14, 2025. There will be 75 spots this year (last year it filled up in a few minutes).

Waitlist will open after all 75 spots are filled.

This is an unmarked and open road course (no course markings and the roads will not be closed - wrote that twice so you didn't miss it).
This will be our fourth Charleston Itty Bitty 50 (please note that there will not be a 100 miler this year).

There is a $25 donation to enter this fun run (it will go to cover the cost for a tracker - everything else will be a donation to the Peyton Johnson Moore Fund). There are no refunds or bib transfers.

Facebook Group located at

This is the fourth year we have added the Charleston Itty Bitty 50 as an alternative to the full 100 mile distance (100 miler is no longer on the schedule).

This is a point to point route that will give runners a chance to experience the beauty of the Lowcountry during the day and night (well, depending on how fast you run it).

We will start at the end of the Charleston West Ashley Greenway (this is the turnaround point for the Charleston 100) at 6am (all runners will start at the same time this year). From the West Ashley Greenway runners will go over the Ashley River Bridge, down to the Citadel and around Hampton Park, around the Charleston peninsula, over the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, through Mount Pleasant's Old Village, around Sullivan's Island, across the Isle of Palms, over the IOP connector and up Hwy 17 North to the Peyton Johnson Moore Track and Field at Park West in Mount Pleasant.

Please note that this is a self supported event. Roads will be open and there will be no scheduled aid or markings on the course (third time I wrote this). There are plenty of gas stations, restaurants, parks and bars along this route to refuel. The Charleston Running Community is amazing and many have supported runners along the route. Of course you are welcome to sucker your friends into crewing for you as well.

Again, runners will be responsible for getting to the starting line, finish line and eventually home (we will NOT transport you back to your car at the end).

The only fee for this event is a donation to cover the tracker, because...
...this is a self supported event.

We will monitor finisher times until 11:59pm Sunday, December 21, 2025 (that gives you about 18 hours to run 50 miles). Oh, finishers will complete one lap around the track at the end to complete their 50 miles. The final 400 meters (one lap) will be a separate timed 400 meter event. Because that's what we do!

Note: This run is in memory of our son Peyton Johnson Moore. You can learn more about Peyton Johnson Moore at

History from the Charleston 100 to the Charleston Itty Bitty 50

The first ever Charleston 100 Miler was held in 2018. Nineteen runners started the race and nine finished this epic journey across Charleston County, South Carolina. The course was changed to an out and back in 2019. In 2022 the Charleston Itty Bitty 50 was added as a separate event, it has sold out each year.

Event's current local time: 12:01 AM ET


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