Saturday, Aug 27, 2022
This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 27, 2022

Race Start Time

The 100K race will start promptly at 0600AM. The 50K race will start at 0700AM. The 12 Hour Race will start at 0700AM and Finish at 7PM. The 25K race will start at 0800AM.

GLER 2025 Race Notes

Team GLER is looking forward to executing our best race ever this coming August.
We are happily, excitedly, and proudly announce the addition of our newest race, the GLER 12 Hour Race.

We are maintaining our four age groups for all four races; Open (39 and Under), Masters (40-59), Senior Masters (60-69) and Ambassadors- 70 and older.

In the interest of maintaining better Team GLER focus on the upcoming race, we're adding these two ADMIN initiatives this season:
RACE REGISTRATION REFUNDS. We won't be accepting or entertaining any requests for registration refunds after 11:59PM on July 16, 2023.
RACER'S AWARDS. All 2025 race awards and finisher's schwag will be handed out on race day. Racer's, or their designated representative, must be on hand to receive your awards or finisher's items by the time the race is packed up closing out race day. Nothing will be mailed afterwards.


The GLER Team is pleased to announce that we have add a 12 Hour Timed race- our own GLER GALEFORCE 12 hour timed event to our roster of races. We're calling it GLER GALEFORCE (right now...) because we fully expect people to be running like the wind on this course.
- The GLER 12 Hour course sticks to GLSP's lake level; racers and runners have 12 hours to complete as many 3 mile clockwise loops as they can around the Green Lake/ Round Lake Loop.
- We are very exited to offer and present this new this 12 hour timed race to the ultrarunning community.


All 2025 GLER Races and Course Loops will begin and end at our GLER Race HQ's Start/ Finish lines located at Tulip Hill Picnic Area on the northeast corner above Green Lake.
The course has a widely varied trail surface that includes well maintained single and double track trail, grassy single track, dirt roads and a bit of asphalt too, on a course that is extremely "runnable" as trail courses go.
- Each fixed distance (100K/50K/25K) race lap or loop is almost exactly 8 miles long.
Two ascents and one long descent traverse the upland forest. These steep shaded trails have some roots, ruts, and stones. The trails in the upper meadows are mostly dirt, grass, rolling, and unshaded.
- The uppers meadows are referred to as the Serengeti. The 3+ miles of running around the Serengeti per each course loop can make for a challenging summer ultra if Mother Nature offers a warm sunny day.
- The lower lake section of trails are shaded, have a few roots and are generally flat.
- Overall, the course lends itself to quick running without technical hikes.
- The 100K race is 8 total course laps and the 50K race is 4 course loops. The 25K race is 2 course loops. - The 12 Hour timed race course is different than the 100K/50K/25K loop. The 12 Hour timed loop will be run in a clockwise 3 mile loop around the Green and Round Lakes only. All timed racers will continually circle only the lower, lakes portion of the course as many times as they can.


All registered entrants will receive a t-shirt to their registration requested size, if you have registered at least 14 days prior to the race. Then we'll fill t-shirt sizes with extras that we ordered that we have on hand.
- We do not offer a "small" size race shirt, in either female nor male genders. Simply put, "small" race shirts are way too small for almost anyone to wear. If you normally order a "small," then a "medium" will fit you.
- Race finishers will receive a finishers medal, either a GLER coffee cup or pint glass, and a bumper sticker decal for your finished race distance. Podium Finishers.
- We'll recognize the top three finishers of each race distance and the top three female finishers of each race.
- Age group winners. We will recognize the 1st Place (ONLY) Female and Male age group winner for each racing distance in our four age group Divisions: Open + 39 and under; Masters = 40-49; Grand Masters = 50-59; Super Grand Masters = 60-69; Ambassadors = 70 and older.
- This is a strongly supported race with 2 stocked aid stations and 1 unmanned water drop; racers are always within 3.75 miles of the next aid on the course.
- The course is marked to the best of the race team's ability prior to the start of the race, including marked turns as well as "confidence" markers every 100 to 200 meters.
- Participants and crew can position their own bags, coolers, chairs & canopies (10'x10' max) beside the McHenry-Main Aid Station in and around Race HQ at Tulip Hill Picnic Area wherever they find space, first come, first serve.
_ The GLER Race team always marshals and distributes added items for race finishers beyond just their finisher's medals. Some cool finisher awards and gear.
- The GLER Race team will also continue to hold our GLER raffle; each registered racer has one raffle ticket by registering for the race and can purchase additional raffle tickets.
- McGovern-Midway Aid Station will once again be located at the 3.75 mile mark on the far side of the Serengeti.

Course Time Limit

The Race clock will be a full 15 hours with the 100K starting at 0600AM. The 50K race starts at 0700AM. The GLER 12 Hour Race starts at 7AM and finishes at 7PM. The 25K race starts at 0800AM. All fixed distance racers (100K, 50K and 25K) will have until 9:00PM to complete their race. All fixed distance racers must start their final course loop by 6:45PM. Any racer starting their final course loop after 6:30PM must have their own light before they start their final loop. A racer may have a "running buddy" for their final loop when starting at 6:45PM or later. Running buddies may not "mule" food nor beverages for the racer they are running with.
The 12 Hour race clock will start at 7AM and finish at 7PM. All 12 hour racers have the full 12 hours to complete as many loops in that 12 hour period as possible. Any Final loop completed after 7PM WILL NOT COUNT.

Event's current local time: 11:50 PM ET


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