No Turkeys Left Behind !
Your new RDs, Cetta and Alana say: The Storybook Half Marathon will start at 10:00 AM. All Racers, Runners, Joggers, Hikers and Walkers are invited to participate in this very friendly event. You have at least four hours to complete this very doable trail course. Remember, you can just have a nice walk in the woods and still finish with smiles and friendships, anew! However experience on a trail is mandatory for safety, so a little practice is warranted. There will be an award for top five fastest runners. Also, a wonderful Storybook Half Marathon Finisher's Medallion for anyone participating and completing the 1/2 marathon. You will travel over a single and double track trail with a little elevation and a finalized course 1.64 mile repeats (8 x's=13.1) with CDC/State/Town recommendations. The course will be well marked with yellow signs with black arrows and smaller signs, too; no getting lost ! It is, also a great way learn the forest and to enter the Frosty Forest 5K in December. H2O, Fuel/Hydration and GU gels will keep you going . You must be at least 18 years of age and agree to no refunds or deferrals and agree to a "virtual" race, if CDC/Town sanctions. Lastly, a portion of the proceeds will include the Roosevelt Forest Commission, Veteran's Museum, Stratford Library and others. Also, many thanks to the "paid" Volunteers for all thier time and effort; well worth the price in the support of the entrants. They and I thank you for registering.
A very important thing to note is, this is limited to only 50 participants, pending State and Town approvals, so register early and reserve your spot for a day in the historic Roosevelt Forest ! Registration is non-refundable because of cost endured, cancellations will then be considered a donation. Race, Run, Jog, Hike or Walk, you have up to 4 hours to do YOUR BEST and obtain your goal ! "Costumes optional; Smiles are not !" Happy trails to all ! Cetta & Alana RDs (note: please enter forest parking lot after 8am; bib pickup starts at 8:45am (those who bought tees will pickup as they get their awag; some items will be for sale so cash or venmo,
thank you).
Event's current local time: 11:35 PM ET