Saturday, Aug 6, 2022

The Gnarly Gnome Loopty Loop

6510 Haz Drive

Afton, MI 12hrs, 8hrs, 4hrs, 4 Hour Relay

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 6, 2022

Course Details

This is a 1.05 mile NON-USATF certified course. Half of the course is single path trail and the other half is on a packed dirt road. If you train on hills, this course will still be challenging. If you train on flat land, this course will be challenging.

Race Summary

This is a 4, 8,12 hour trail race… This race is open for both runners and walkers alike! Go fast, go slow, just use courtesy and if going slower, make sure to allow those moving at a faster pace, to pass safely! Do as many of the approx. 1.05 mile loops as you want or are able to. If you want to stop and rest, please do, this is YOUR race at YOUR pace... Just get out, challenge yourself and dig deep to fight those inner Gnomes that want you to stop!


This race will be held in a rural residential area, therefore there will be limited parking. We suggest if you want to park close to the start/finish line, you arrive early. Even though we are capping the number of participants, we expect visitors and spectators alike. A map will be sent out detailing main parking locations along with additional spectator parking locations.

Aid station

Aid station will be only a mile away at any time! Since the course is only a single mile loop, you don't have to worry about dying of hunger or dehydration, because we will see you in about 15 minutes. The gnomes will be working throughout the day to make sure your wants and needs are met.

Drop area

We will have your drop location near the course start/finish line that will allow for your drop bags to be easily accessible throughout the entire race!


We will be awarding the top Gnome and Gnomess runners for each timed event.


We are working with the gnomes to create custom medals along with race themed gear.

Additional Questions?

Please send all questions to

Event's current local time: 9:56 AM ET


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