Elkhorn 100 FKT! (updated Aug. 1, 2024)
Great news! Although we're pausing future Elkhorn 100s due to heavy permitting requirements and low participation, Fastest Known Time has approved the route as an FKT!
See it here !
Anyone who finishes the route by foot in under 40 hours will get a complementary buckle for their efforts (while supplies last). We really enjoyed this journey and hope you will too.
2023 Elkhorn 100 Deets....
The 2023 Elkhorn 100 will now be a FREE crew-supported "Fun Run". We don't have enough people signed-up at this point justify committing volunteers to run aid stations, mark the course, purchase prizes, etc. So please consider joining us for a "Fun Run" on Friday July 28 to run from the iconic Elk Horn arch in Afton to the ones on the Town Square in Jackson Hole. You will get a buckle for finishing under 48 hours.
Runner's Guide AVAILABLE here !
Howdy pardner!
Limber Pine Outdoors (creators of the White Pine 50) is excited to announce a NEW hundred-miler connecting the iconic elkhorn arches located in Afton and Jackson Hole Wyoming! Each winter, thousands of elk, the "Monarchs of the Mountains" travel a hundred miles or more to descend out of the nearby mountain ranges to elk feeding grounds in Star Valley and Jackson Hole. In the spring, the bulls drop their antlers before returning to their lofty haunts high above the valley floor. Both towns have erected massive arches made from these elk "sheds" in honor of this annual feat of biology. If you qualify (keep reading), we invite you to make the journey yourself through the terrain these elk navigate between their summer and winter ranges and back. See the map here!
Cowboy Up!
This race is crew-supported. That means your best cowhand will be meeting you at the aid stations and at the finish. You may share a crew vehicle with another runner (recommended actually) as long as you're planning on sticking together for the most part. Don't sign up unless you have a crew! Don't expect aid stations every seven miles. Do expect minimal, if any, course marking (think Plain 100).
The required gear list includes bear spray, water filtration/treatment, a survival bivy (for the overnight segment), navigation device and a GPS tracker is strongly recommended. This is for your safety, and your crew's convenience. If you don't have a tracker, please just borrow or buy one already. They are potentially life-savers for those of us who enjoy this sport.
Not your first rodeo
You can tell by now this race is going to be no joke! The course offers very few aid station opportunities (roughly every 13 miles or more) and climbs about 20,000' of vert between 6,000 and 10,300' above sea level. Expect some bushwhacking, scree & maybe even snowfields, the potential of severe weather, possible altitude sickness, and long dry sections where you'll need to carry extra water. You will have to have successfully completed at least a tough, mountain 50-miler to enter (or provide some other evidence of verifiable insanity/trail running/badassery/thru hiking accomplishment).
This makes the rules pretty simple:
1. Don't get lost
2. Leave no trace
3. Finish by the cut-offs
4. No whining
I won this belt buckle
We'll start under the Elkhorn Arch on Main Street in Afton on Friday the 28th at 6:00am. Finish by 6:00am on Sunday the 30th (48 hours) on the Town Square in Jackson Hole, and you'll get hearty a slap on the back, priceless memories and a fancy belt buckle for your efforts.
(....not to mention sore quads, feet, sunburn, chaffed thighs and the BEST NIGHT'S SLEEP EVER)
Payin' er forward (Not applicable for 2023 Event)
Entrants must complete the standard 8-hours of trail work and/or volunteering at an ultra (pacing doesn't count) before July 16th, 2023. Watch for a scheduled trail work day a couple of weeks before the race. Or you may choose to donate $80 to the Friends of the Bridger Teton National Forest to do it for you Donate here!
Event's current local time: 10:27 PM MT